Definition of Perceived. Meaning of Perceived. Synonyms of Perceived

Here you will find one or more explanations in English for the word Perceived. Also in the bottom left of the page several parts of wikipedia pages related to the word Perceived and, of course, Perceived synonyms and on the right images related to the word Perceived.

Definition of Perceived

Perceive Per*ceive", v. t. [imp. & p. p. Perceived; p. pr. & vb. n. Perceiving.] [OF. percevoir, perceveir, L. percipere, perceptum; per (see Per-) + capere to take, receive. See Capacious, and cf. Perception.] 1. To obtain knowledge of through the senses; to receive impressions from by means of the bodily organs; to take cognizance of the existence, character, or identity of, by means of the senses; to see, hear, or feel; as, to perceive a distant ship; to perceive a discord. --Reid. 2. To take intellectual cognizance of; to apprehend by the mind; to be convinced of by direct intuition; to note; to remark; to discern; to see; to understand. Jesus perceived their wickedness. --Matt. xxii. 18. You may, fair lady, Perceive I speak sincerely. --Shak. Till we ourselves see it with our own eyes, and perceive it by our own understandings, we are still in the dark. --Locke. 3. To be affected of influented by. [R.] The upper regions of the air perceive the collection of the matter of tempests before the air here below. --Bacon. Syn: To discern; distinguish; observe; see; feel; know; understand. Usage: To Perceive, Discern. To perceive a thing is to apprehend it as presented to the senses or the intellect; to discern is to mark differences, or to see a thing as distinguished from others around it. We may perceive two persons afar off without being able to discern whether they are men or women. Hence, discern is often used of an act of the senses or the mind involving close, discriminating, analytical attention. We perceive that which is clear or obvious; we discern that which requires much attention to get an idea of it. ``We perceive light, darkness, colors, or the truth or falsehood of anything. We discern characters, motives, the tendency and consequences of actions, etc.' --Crabb.

Meaning of Perceived from wikipedia

- something or someone who is being perceived. The amount of information gathered by the sensory organs of the perceiver affects the interpretation and understanding...
- Perceiver is a transformer adapted to be able to process non-textual data, such as images, sounds and video, and spatial data. Transformers underlie other...
- the rating of perceived exertion (RPE), as measured by the Borg rating of perceived exertion scale, is a quantitative measure of perceived exertion during...
- scientific work on his concept of perceived internal control differed mostly into two branches. One believed perceived control to be a fixed personality...
- the penalties for hate crimes committed on the basis of the actual or perceived race, color, religion, national origin, ethnicity, or gender of any person...
- The appearance of impropriety is a phrase referring to a situation which to a layperson without knowledge of the specific cir****stances might seem to raise...
- also be expressed as a straightforward relationship between perceived benefits and perceived costs: Value = Benefits - Cost. The basic underlying concept...
- The combination of perceived severity and perceived susceptibility is referred to as perceived threat. Perceived severity and perceived susceptibility to...
- I Do Perceive is the third album by the Chicago artist Mike Kinsella under the name Owen. It was released on November 9, 2004, on Polyvinyl Records. link...
- increases perceived performance, but when real performance cannot be increased due to physical limitations, techniques can be used to increase perceived performance...