Definition of Support. Meaning of Support. Synonyms of Support

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Definition of Support

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Insupportable In`sup*port"a*ble, a. [L. insupportabilis: cf. F. insupportable. See In- not, and Support.] Incapable of being supported or borne; unendurable; insufferable; intolerable; as, insupportable burdens; insupportable pain. -- In`sup*port"a*ble*ness, n. -- In`sup*port"a*bly, adv.
Insupportable In`sup*port"a*ble, a. [L. insupportabilis: cf. F. insupportable. See In- not, and Support.] Incapable of being supported or borne; unendurable; insufferable; intolerable; as, insupportable burdens; insupportable pain. -- In`sup*port"a*ble*ness, n. -- In`sup*port"a*bly, adv.
Insupportable In`sup*port"a*ble, a. [L. insupportabilis: cf. F. insupportable. See In- not, and Support.] Incapable of being supported or borne; unendurable; insufferable; intolerable; as, insupportable burdens; insupportable pain. -- In`sup*port"a*ble*ness, n. -- In`sup*port"a*bly, adv.
Supportable Sup*port"a*ble, a. [Cf. F. supportable.] Capable of being supported, maintained, or endured; endurable. -- Sup*port"a*ble*ness, n. -- Sup*port"a*bly, adv.
Supportable Sup*port"a*ble, a. [Cf. F. supportable.] Capable of being supported, maintained, or endured; endurable. -- Sup*port"a*ble*ness, n. -- Sup*port"a*bly, adv.
Supportable Sup*port"a*ble, a. [Cf. F. supportable.] Capable of being supported, maintained, or endured; endurable. -- Sup*port"a*ble*ness, n. -- Sup*port"a*bly, adv.
Supportance Sup*port"ance, n. Support. [Obs.] --Shak.
Supportation Sup`por*ta"tion, n. Maintenance; support. [Obs.] --Chaucer. Bacon.
Supporter Sup*port"er, n. 1. One who, or that which, supports; as, oxygen is a supporter of life. The sockets and supporters of flowers are figured. --Bacon. The saints have a . . . supporter in all their miseries. --South. 2. Especially, an adherent; one who sustains, advocates, and defends; as, the supporter of a party, faction, or candidate. 3. (Shipbuilding) A knee placed under the cathead. 4. (Her.) A figure, sometimes of a man, but commonly of some animal, placed on either side of an escutcheon, and exterior to it. Usually, both supporters of an escutcheon are similar figures. 5. (Med.) A broad band or truss for supporting the abdomen or some other part or organ.
Supporter of combustion
Combustion Com*bus"tion (?; 106), n. [L. combustio: cf. F. combustion.] 1. The state of burning. 2. (Chem.) The combination of a combustible with a supporter of combustion, producing heat, and sometimes both light and heat. Combustion results in common cases from the mutual chemical action and reaction of the combustible and the oxygen of the atmosphere, whereby a new compound is formed. --Ure. Supporter of combustion (Chem.), a gas, as oxygen, the combination of which with a combustible, as coal, constitutes combustion. 3. Violent agitation; confusion; tumult. [Obs.] There [were] great combustions and divisions among the heads of the university. --Mede. But say from whence this new combustion springs. --Dryden.
Supportful Sup*port"ful, a. Abounding with support. [Obs.] --Chapman.
Supportless Sup*port"less, a. Having no support. --Milton.
Supportment Sup*port"ment, n. Support. [Obs.] --Sir H. Wotton.
Supportress Sup*port"ress, n. A female supporter. [R.] You are my gracious patroness and supportress. --Massinger.
Unsupportable Un`sup*port"a*ble, a. Insupportable; unendurable. -- Un`sup*port"a*ble*ness, n. --Bp. Wilkins. -- Un`sup*port"a*bly, adv.
Unsupportable Un`sup*port"a*ble, a. Insupportable; unendurable. -- Un`sup*port"a*ble*ness, n. --Bp. Wilkins. -- Un`sup*port"a*bly, adv.
Unsupportable Un`sup*port"a*ble, a. Insupportable; unendurable. -- Un`sup*port"a*ble*ness, n. --Bp. Wilkins. -- Un`sup*port"a*bly, adv.

Meaning of Support from wikipedia

- air support Combat service support Combat support Fire support Moral support Peer support Social support Support group Sympathy Catalyst support, in chemistry...
- Technical support, also known as tech support, is a call centre type customer service provided by companies to advise and ****ist registered users with...
- Customer Support is a range of services to ****ist customers in making cost effective and correct use of a product. It includes ****istance in planning...
- In mathematics, the support of a real-valued function f {\displaystyle f} is the subset of the function domain containing the elements which are not mapped...
- Life support comprises the treatments and techniques performed in an emergency in order to support life after the failure of one or more vital organs...
- Child support (or child maintenance) is an ongoing, periodic payment made by a parent for the financial benefit of a child ( State or parent, caregiver...
- combat support refers to units that provide fire support and operational ****istance to combat elements. Combat support units provide specialized support functions...
- In military telecommunications, electronic support (ES) or electronic support measures (ESM) gather intelligence through p****ive "listening" to electromagnetic...
- A supporting actor or supporting actress is an actor who performs a role in a play or film below that of the leading actor(s), and above that of a bit...
- Peer support occurs when people provide knowledge, experience, emotional, social or practical help to each other. It commonly refers to an initiative...