Definition of Caryota urens. Meaning of Caryota urens. Synonyms of Caryota urens

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Definition of Caryota urens

Caryota urens
Jaggery palm Jag"ger*y palm An East Indian palm (Caryota urens) having leaves pinnate with wedge-shaped divisions, the petiole very stout. It is the principal source of jaggery, and is often cultivated for ornament.
Caryota urens
Palm Palm, n. [AS. palm, L. palma; -- so named fr. the leaf resembling a hand. See lst Palm, and cf. Pam.] 1. (Bot.) Any endogenous tree of the order Palm[ae] or Palmace[ae]; a palm tree. Note: Palms are perennial woody plants, often of majestic size. The trunk is usually erect and rarely branched, and has a roughened exterior composed of the persistent bases of the leaf stalks. The leaves are borne in a terminal crown, and are supported on stout, sheathing, often prickly, petioles. They are usually of great size, and are either pinnately or palmately many-cleft. There are about one thousand species known, nearly all of them growing in tropical or semitropical regions. The wood, petioles, leaves, sap, and fruit of many species are invaluable in the arts and in domestic economy. Among the best known are the date palm, the cocoa palm, the fan palm, the oil palm, the wax palm, the palmyra, and the various kinds called cabbage palm and palmetto. 2. A branch or leaf of the palm, anciently borne or worn as a symbol of victory or rejoicing. A great multitude . . . stood before the throne, and before the Lamb, clothed with white robes, and palme in their hands. --Rev. vii. 9. 3. Hence: Any symbol or token of superiority, success, or triumph; also, victory; triumph; supremacy. ``The palm of martyrdom.' --Chaucer. So get the start of the majestic world And bear the palm alone. --Shak. Molucca palm (Bot.), a labiate herb from Asia (Molucella l[ae]vis), having a curious cup-shaped calyx. Palm cabbage, the terminal bud of a cabbage palm, used as food. Palm cat (Zo["o]l.), the common paradoxure. Palm crab (Zo["o]l.), the purse crab. Palm oil, a vegetable oil, obtained from the fruit of several species of palms, as the African oil palm (El[ae]is Guineensis), and used in the manufacture of soap and candles. See El[ae]is. Palm swift (Zo["o]l.), a small swift (Cypselus Batassiensis) which frequents the palmyra and cocoanut palms in India. Its peculiar nest is attached to the leaf of the palmyra palm. Palm toddy. Same as Palm wine. Palm weevil (Zo["o]l.), any one of mumerous species of very large weevils of the genus Rhynchophorus. The larv[ae] bore into palm trees, and are called palm borers, and grugru worms. They are considered excellent food. Palm wine, the sap of several species of palms, especially, in India, of the wild date palm (Ph[oe]nix sylvestrix), the palmyra, and the Caryota urens. When fermented it yields by distillation arrack, and by evaporation jaggery. Called also palm toddy. Palm worm, or Palmworm. (Zo["o]l.) (a) The larva of a palm weevil. (b) A centipede.

Meaning of Caryota urens from wikipedia

- Caryota urens is a species of flowering plant in the palm family, native to Sri Lanka, India, Myanmar and Malaysia (perhaps elsewhere in Indo-Malayan...
- species is Caryota urens, the flowers of which are used to make one type of jaggery (an unrefined sugar), and also to make palm wine. Caryota mitis is native...
- Lankan desserts and sweets contain domestic ****es, jaggery and kithul (Caryota urens) treacle. Locally made treacle and jaggery are the most common sweeteners...
- include: Arenga pinnata (syn. A. saccharifera) Bor****us flabellifer Caryota Caryota urens Cocos nucifera Toddy palm Palm sugar Media related to Sugar palms...
- coconut palm. Other types of palm sugar are made from the kithul palm (Caryota urens), Palmyra palm, the date palm, the sugar date palm, the sago palm or...
- Palm (Toddy Palm, Kitul Palm, Jaggery Palm, Wine Palm, Sago Palm) -- Caryota urens Royal Palm (Mountain Glory, Bottle Palm) -- Roystonea regia Wild Date...
- Usually buffalo curd cured in clay pots and served with kitul treacle (Caryota urens), is considered a delicacy in almost every part of the island. Although...
- Africa and Madagascar Allagoptera caudescens, Bor****us flabellifer, Caryota urens, Iriartea deltoidea Black Palm, Palmira wood (Black ironwood) Argania...
- Anisoptera glabra, Dipterocarpus costatus, Hopea odorata, S****a hypochra, Caryota urens and Onco**** tigillarium. Other conifers include Pinus kesiya, Dacrycarpus...
- palm) Bor****us flabellifer (tala palm) Calamus hollrungii Caryota rumphiana Caryota urens (toddy palm or fishtail palm) Caulerpa lentillifera (latô)...