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Acanthocibium solandri or petus
Wahoo Wa*hoo", n. A dark blue scombroid food fish (Acanthocibium solandri or petus) of Florida and the West Indies.
Adsuki bean
Adsuki bean Ad*su"ki bean [Jap. adzuki.] A cultivated variety of the Asiatic gram, now introduced into the United States.
Alkali albumin
Acid albumin, a modification of albumin produced by the action of dilute acids. It is not coagulated by heat. Alkali albumin, albumin as modified by the action of alkaline substances; -- called also albuminate.
Alkali flat
Alkali flat Alkali flat A sterile plain, containing an excess of alkali, at the bottom of an undrained basin in an arid region; a playa.
Alkali waste
Alkali waste Alkali waste Waste material from the manufacture of alkali; specif., soda waste.
Ammi Copticum
Ajouan Aj"ou*an Ajowan Aj"ow*an, n. [Written also ajwain.] [Prob. native name.] (Bot.) The fruit of Ammi Copticum, syn. Carum Ajowan, used both as a medicine and as a condiment. An oil containing thymol is extracted from it. Called also Javanee seed, Javanese seed, and ajava.
Cauda galli epoch
Cauda galli Cau"da gal*li, . [L., tail of a cock.] (Paleon.) A plume-shaped fossil, supposed to be a seaweed, characteristic of the lower Devonian rocks; as, the cauda galli grit. Cauda galli epoch (Geol.), an epoch at the begining of the Devonian age in eastern America, so named from the characteristic gritty sandstone marked with impressions of cauda galli. See the Diagram under Geology.
chauri gua
Yak Yak (y[a^]k), n. [Thibetan gyag.] (Zo["o]l.) A bovine mammal (Po["e]phagus grunnies) native of the high plains of Central Asia. Its neck, the outer side of its legs, and its flanks, are covered with long, flowing, fine hair. Its tail is long and bushy, often white, and is valued as an ornament and for other purposes in India and China. There are several domesticated varieties, some of which lack the mane and the long hair on the flanks. Called also chauri gua, grunting cow, grunting ox, sarlac, sarlik, and sarluc. Yak lace, a coarse pillow lace made from the silky hair of the yak.
Chili salpeter
Saltpeter Salt`pe"ter, Saltpetre Salt`pe"tre,, n. [F. salp[^e]tre, NL. sal petrae, literally, rock salt, or stone salt; so called because it exudes from rocks or walls. See Salt, and Petrify.] (Chem.) Potassium nitrate; niter; a white crystalline substance, KNO3, having a cooling saline taste, obtained by leaching from certain soils in which it is produced by the process of nitrification (see Nitrification, 2). It is a strong oxidizer, is the chief constituent of gunpowder, and is also used as an antiseptic in curing meat, and in medicine as a diuretic, diaphoretic, and refrigerant. Chili salpeter (Chem.), sodium nitrate (distinguished from potassium nitrate, or true salpeter), a white crystalline substance, NaNO3, having a cooling, saline, slightly bitter taste. It is obtained by leaching the soil of the rainless districts of Chili and Peru. It is deliquescent and cannot be used in gunpowder, but is employed in the production of nitric acid. Called also cubic niter. Saltpeter acid (Chem.), nitric acid; -- sometimes so called because made from saltpeter.
Chili saltpeter
Niter Ni"ter, Nitre Ni"tre, n. [F. nitre, L. nitrum native soda, natron, Gr. ?; cf. Ar. nit?n, natr?n natron. Cf. Natron.] 1. (Chem.) A white crystalline semitransparent salt; potassium nitrate; saltpeter. See Saltpeter. 2. (Chem.) Native sodium carbonate; natron. [Obs.] For though thou wash thee with niter, and take thee much soap, yet thine iniquity is marked before me. --Jer. ii. 22. Cubic niter, a deliquescent salt, sodium nitrate, found as a native incrustation, like niter, in Peru and Chili, whence it is known also as Chili saltpeter. Niter bush (Bot.), a genus (Nitraria) of thorny shrubs bearing edible berries, and growing in the saline plains of Asia and Northern Africa.
Cincinnati epoch
Cincinnati epoch Cin`cin*na"ti ep"och (Geol.) An epoch at the close of the American lower Silurian system. The rocks are well developed near Cincinnati, Ohio. The group includes the Hudson River and Lorraine shales of New York.
coati mondi
Coati Co*a"ti (k[-o]*[aum]"t[-e] or k[-o]*[=a]"t[i^]), n. [From the native name: cf. F. coati.] (Zo["o]l.) A mammal of tropical America of the genus Nasua, allied to the raccoon, but with a longer body, tail, and nose. Note: The red coati (N. socialis), called also coati mondi, inhabits Mexico and Central America. The brown coati (N. narica) is found in Surinam and Brazil.
Corni di basseto
Corno di bassetto Cor"no di bas*set"to (k?r"n? d? b?s-s?t"t? or b?s-s?t"t?); pl. Corni di basseto. [It.] (Mus.) A tenor clarinet; -- called also basset horn, and sometimes confounded with the English horn, which is a tenor oboe.
Corni Inglesi
Corno Inglese Cor"no In*gle"se (?n-gl?"z?); pl. Corni Inglesi (-z?). [It.] (Mus.) A reed instrument, related to the oboe, but deeper in pitch; the English horn.
Corno di bassetto
Corno di bassetto Cor"no di bas*set"to (k?r"n? d? b?s-s?t"t? or b?s-s?t"t?); pl. Corni di basseto. [It.] (Mus.) A tenor clarinet; -- called also basset horn, and sometimes confounded with the English horn, which is a tenor oboe.
Corpus Christi cloth
Corpus Cor"pus (-p[u^]s), n.; pl. Corpora (-p[-o]*r[.a]). [L.] A body, living or dead; the corporeal substance of a thing. Corpus callosum (k[a^]l*l[=o]"s[u^]m); pl. Corpora callosa (-s?) [NL., callous body] (Anat.), the great band of commissural fibers uniting the cerebral hemispheres. See Brain. Corpus Christi (kr[i^]s"t[imac]) [L., body of Christ] (R. C. Ch.), a festival in honor of the eucharist, observed on the Thursday after Trinity Sunday. Corpus Christi cloth. Same as Pyx cloth, under Pyx. Corpus delicti (d[-e]*l[i^]k"t[imac]) [L., the body of the crime] (Law), the substantial and fundamental fact of the comission of a crime; the proofs essential to establish a crime. Corpus luteum (l[=u]"t[-e]*[u^]m); pl. Corpora lutea (-[.a]). [NL., luteous body] (Anat.), the reddish yellow mass which fills a ruptured Graafian follicle in the mammalian ovary. Corpus striatum (str[-i]*[=a]"t[u^]m); pl. Corpora striata (-t[.a]). [NL., striate body] (Anat.), a ridge in the wall of each lateral ventricle of the brain.
Cui bono
Cui bono Cui` bo"no [L.] Lit., for whose benefit; incorrectly understood, it came to be used in the sense, of what good or use; and hence, (what) purpose; object; specif., the ultimate object of life.
Dalai Lama
Lama La"ma, n. [Thibet. blama (pronounced l["a]"ma) a chief, a high priest.] In Thibet, Mongolia, etc., a priest or monk of the belief called Lamaism. The Grand Lama, or Dalai Lama [lit., Ocean Lama], the supreme pontiff in the lamaistic hierarchy. See Lamaism.
Delhi boil
Aleppo boil A*lep"po boil, button utton, or evil evil . (Med.) A chronic skin affection terminating in an ulcer, most commonly of the face. It is endemic along the Mediterranean, and is probably due to a specific bacillus. Called also Aleppo ulcer, Biskara boil, Delhi boil, Oriental sore, etc.
Delhi boil
Boil Boil, n. [Influenced by boil, v. See Beal, Bile.] A hard, painful, inflamed tumor, which, on suppuration, discharges pus, mixed with blood, and discloses a small fibrous mass of dead tissue, called the core. A blind boil, one that suppurates imperfectly, or fails to come to a head. Delhi boil (Med.), a peculiar affection of the skin, probably parasitic in origin, prevailing in India (as among the British troops) and especially at Delhi.
Demi monde
Monde Monde (m[^o]Nd), n. [F. See Mundane.] The world; a globe as an ensign of royalty. [R.] --A. Drummond. Le beau monde [F.], fashionable society. See Beau monde. Demi monde. See Demimonde.
Elemi figs
Eleme El"e*me, or Elemi figs El"e*mi, figs` ([e^]l"[-e]*m[i^]). [Turk. eleme anything which has been sifted and freed from dust or broken parts.] A kind of figs of superior quality.
Ferranti cables
Ferranti cables Fer*ran"ti ca"bles, Ferranti mains Fer*ran"ti mains" (Elec.) A form of conductor, designed by Ferranti, for currents of high potential, and consisting of concentric tubes of copper separated by an insulating material composed of paper saturated with black mineral wax.
Ferranti mains
Ferranti cables Fer*ran"ti ca"bles, Ferranti mains Fer*ran"ti mains" (Elec.) A form of conductor, designed by Ferranti, for currents of high potential, and consisting of concentric tubes of copper separated by an insulating material composed of paper saturated with black mineral wax.
Ferranti phenomenon
Ferranti phenomenon Fer*ran"ti phe*nom"e*non (Elec.) An increase in the ratio of transformation of an alternating current converter, accompanied by other changes in electrical conditions, occurring when the secondary of the converter is connected with a condenser of moderate capacity; -- so called because first observed in connection with the Ferranti cables in London.
Fieri facias
Fieri facias Fi"e*ri fa"ci*as [L., cause it to be done.] (Law) A judicial writ that lies for one who has recovered in debt or damages, commanding the sheriff that he cause to be made of the goods, chattels, or real estate of the defendant, the sum claimed. --Blackstone. Cowell.
Fungi Imperfecti
Fungi Imperfecti Fun"gi Im`per*fec"ti, pl. [L. imperfecti imperfect.] (Bot.) A heterogenous group of fungi of which the complete life history is not known. Some undoubtedly represent the conidium stages of various Ascomycetes. The group is divided into the orders Sph[ae]ropsidales, Melanconiales, and Moniliales.
Gallipoli oil
Gallipoli oil Gal*lip"o*li oil` An inferior kind of olive oil, brought from Gallipoli, in Italy.
grigri palm
Grugru palm Gru"gru palm" (Bot.) A West Indian name for several kinds of palm. See Macaw tree, under Macaw. [Written also grigri palm.]
I Anil
2. (Chem.) A blue dyestuff obtained from several plants belonging to very different genera and orders; as, the woad, Isatis tinctoria, Indigofera tinctoria, I. Anil, Nereum tinctorium, etc. It is a dark blue earthy substance, tasteless and odorless, with a copper-violet luster when rubbed. Indigo does not exist in the plants as such, but is obtained by decomposition of the glycoside indican. Note: Commercial indigo contains the essential coloring principle indigo blue or indigotine, with several other dyes; as, indigo red, indigo brown, etc., and various impurities. Indigo is insoluble in ordinary reagents, with the exception of strong sulphuric acid. Chinese indigo (Bot.), Isatis indigotica, a kind of woad. Wild indigo (Bot.), the American herb Baptisia tinctoria which yields a poor quality of indigo, as do several other species of the same genus.

Meaning of I from wikipedia

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- World War I or the First World War (28 July 1914 – 11 November 1918), also known as the Great War, was a global conflict between two coalitions: the Allies...
- I and I may refer to: An expression in Rastafari vocabulary "I and I" (song), a song by Bob Dylan from Infidels "I and I", a song by Bayside from the album...
- I, Robot (stylized as i, ROBOT) is a 2004 American science fiction action film directed by Alex Proyas. The screenplay by Jeff Vintar and Akiva Goldsman...
- "I" serves to denote an identity matrix. I with diacritics: Ĭĭ Î î Ǐ ǐ Ɨ ɨ Ï ï Í í Ì ì Ȉ ȉ Į į Į́ Į̃ Ī ī Ī̀ ī̀ Ȋ ȋ Ĩĩ İ i and I ı :...
- NCAA Division I (D-I) is the highest level of intercollegiate athletics sanctioned by the National Collegiate Athletic ****ociation (NCAA) in the United...
- Ì is used in the ISO 9:1995 system of Ukrainian transliteration as the Cyrillic letter І. In the Pinyin system of Chinese romanization ì is an i with a...
- iTunes is a media player, media library, and mobile device management utility developed by Apple. It was used to purchase, play, download and organize...
- Elizabeth I (7 September 1533 – 24 March 1603) was Queen of England and Ireland from 17 November 1558 until her death in 1603. She was the last monarch...
- I, Robot is a 1950 science fiction fixup novel by Isaac Asimov. I, Robot, I Robot, or iRobot may also refer to: "I, Robot" (short story), a 1939 science-fiction...