Definition of Album. Meaning of Album. Synonyms of Album

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Definition of Album

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Acid albumin
Acid albumin, a modification of albumin produced by the action of dilute acids. It is not coagulated by heat. Alkali albumin, albumin as modified by the action of alkaline substances; -- called also albuminate.
Album Graecum
Album Graecum Al"bum Gr[ae]"cum [L., Greek white.] Dung of dogs or hyenas, which becomes white by exposure to air. It is used in dressing leather, and was formerly used in medicine.
Albumen Al*bu"men, n. [L., fr. albus white.] 1. The white of an egg. 2. (Bot.) Nourishing matter stored up within the integuments of the seed in many plants, but not incorporated in the embryo. It is the floury part in corn, wheat, and like grains, the oily part in poppy seeds, the fleshy part in the cocoanut, etc. 3. (Chem.) Same as Albumin.
Albumenize Al*bu"men*ize, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Albumenized; p. pr. & vb. n. Albumenizing.] To cover or saturate with albumen; to coat or treat with an albuminous solution; as, to albumenize paper.
Albumenize Al*bu"men*ize, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Albumenized; p. pr. & vb. n. Albumenizing.] To cover or saturate with albumen; to coat or treat with an albuminous solution; as, to albumenize paper.
Albumenize Al*bu"men*ize, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Albumenized; p. pr. & vb. n. Albumenizing.] To cover or saturate with albumen; to coat or treat with an albuminous solution; as, to albumenize paper.
Albumin Al*bu"min, n. (Chem.) A thick, viscous nitrogenous substance, which is the chief and characteristic constituent of white of eggs and of the serum of blood, and is found in other animal substances, both fluid and solid, also in many plants. It is soluble in water and is coagulated by heat and by certain chemical reagents.
Acid albumin, a modification of albumin produced by the action of dilute acids. It is not coagulated by heat. Alkali albumin, albumin as modified by the action of alkaline substances; -- called also albuminate.
Albuminate Al*bu"mi*nate, n. (Chem.) A substance produced by the action of an alkali upon albumin, and resembling casein in its properties; also, a compound formed by the union of albumin with another substance.
Albuminiferous Al*bu`mi*nif"er*ous, a. [L. albumen + -ferous.] Supplying albumen.
Albuminimeter Al*bu`mi*nim"e*ter, n. [L. albumen, albuminis + -meter: cf. F. albuminim[`e]tre.] An instrument for ascertaining the quantity of albumen in a liquid.
Albuminiparous Al*bu`mi*nip"a*rous, a. [L. albumen + parere to bear, bring forth.] Producing albumin.
Albuminoid Al*bu"mi*noid, a. [L. albumen + -oid.] (Chem.) Resembling albumin. -- n. One of a class of organic principles (called also proteids) which form the main part of organized tissues.
Albuminoidal Al*bu`mi*noid"al, a. (Chem.) Of the nature of an albuminoid.
Albuminose Al*bu"mi*nose`, n. (Chem.) A diffusible substance formed from albumin by the action of natural or artificial gastric juice. See Peptone.
Albuminous Al*bu"mi*nous, Albuminose Al*bu"mi*nose`, a. [Cf. F. albumineux.] Pertaining to, or containing, albumen; having the properties of, or resembling, albumen or albumin. -- Al*bu"mi*nous*ness, n.
Albuminosis Al*bu`mi*no"sis, n. [NL., fr. E. albumin.] (Med.) A morbid condition due to excessive increase of albuminous elements in the blood.
Albuminous Al*bu"mi*nous, Albuminose Al*bu"mi*nose`, a. [Cf. F. albumineux.] Pertaining to, or containing, albumen; having the properties of, or resembling, albumen or albumin. -- Al*bu"mi*nous*ness, n.
Albuminous Al*bu"mi*nous, Albuminose Al*bu"mi*nose`, a. [Cf. F. albumineux.] Pertaining to, or containing, albumen; having the properties of, or resembling, albumen or albumin. -- Al*bu"mi*nous*ness, n.
Albuminuria Al*bu`mi*nu"ri*a, n. [NL., fr. L. albumen + Gr. ? urine.] (Med.) A morbid condition in which albumin is present in the urine.
Albumose Al"bu*mose`, n. [From albumin.] (Chem.) A compound or class of compounds formed from albumin by dilute acids or by an acid solution of pepsin. Used also in combination, as antialbumose, hemialbumose.
Alkali albumin
Acid albumin, a modification of albumin produced by the action of dilute acids. It is not coagulated by heat. Alkali albumin, albumin as modified by the action of alkaline substances; -- called also albuminate.
Antialbumid An`ti*al*bu"mid, n. [Pref. anti- + -albumin.] (Physiol. Chem.) A body formed from albumin by pancreatic and gastric digestion. It is convertible into antipeptone.
Antialbumose An`ti*al"bu*mose`, n. (Physiol.) See Albumose.
Exalbuminous Ex`al*bu"mi*nous, a. [Pref. ex- + albumen.] (Bot.) Having no albumen about the embryo; -- said of certain seeds.
Hemialbumin Hem`i*al*bu"min, n. [Hemi- + albumin.] (Physiol. Chem.) Same as Hemialbumose.
Hemialbumose Hem`i*al"bu"mose`, n. [Hemi- + albumose.] (Physiol. Chem.) An albuminous substance formed in gastric digestion, and by the action of boiling dilute acids on albumin. It is readily convertible into hemipeptone. Called also hemialbumin.
Hemialbumose Hem`i*al"bu"mose`, n. [Hemi- + albumose.] (Physiol. Chem.) An albuminous substance formed in gastric digestion, and by the action of boiling dilute acids on albumin. It is readily convertible into hemipeptone. Called also hemialbumin.
Metalbumin Met`al*bu"min, n. [Pref. met- + albumin.] (Physiol. Chem.) A form of albumin found in ascitic and certain serous fluids. It is sometimes regarded as a mixture of albumin and mucin.
Nihil album
Nihil Ni"hil, n. [L.] Nothing. Nihil album [L., white nothing] (Chem.), oxide of zinc. See under Zinc. Nihil debet [L., he owes nothing] (Law), the general issue in certain actions of debt. Nihil dicit [L., he says nothing] (Law), a declinature by the defendant to plead or answer. --Tomlins.

Meaning of Album from wikipedia

- An album is a collection of audio recordings (e.g., music) issued on a medium such as compact disc (CD), vinyl (record), audio tape (like 8-track or c****ette)...
- The Billboard 200 is a record chart ranking the 200 most po****r music albums and EPs in the United States. It is published w****ly by Billboard magazine...
- certain number of units. The threshold quantity varies by type (such as album, single, music video) and by nation or territory (see List of music recording...
- A compilation album comprises tracks, which may be previously released or unreleased, usually from several separate recordings by either one performer...
- Dutch Album Top 100 or Album Top 100 is a w****ly hit list of music albums, compiled by Dutch Charts. The list shows the 100 best-selling music albums of...
- American rapper Eminem has released 12 studio albums, two compilation albums, and one extended play. His music has been released on record labels Interscope...
- musical recording that contains more tracks than a single but fewer than an album or LP record. Contemporary EPs generally contain up to eight tracks and...
- America (RIAA) operates an awards program based on the certified number of albums and singles sold through retail and other ancillary markets. Other countries...
- A greatest hits album or best-of album is a type of compilation album that collects po****r and commercially successful songs by a particular artist or...
- The Official UK Albums Chart is a list of albums ranked by sales and audio streaming in the United Kingdom. It was published for the first time on 22 July...