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Definition of Commit

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Commitment Com*mit"ment, n. 1. The act of committing, or putting in charge, keeping, or trust; consignment; esp., the act of committing to prison. They were glad to compound for his bare commitment to the Tower, whence he was within few days enlarged. --Clarendon. 2. A warrant or order for the imprisonment of a person; -- more frequently termed a mittimus. 3. The act of referring or intrusting to a committee for consideration and report; as, the commitment of a petition or a bill. 4. A doing, or perpetration, in a bad sense, as of a crime or blunder; commission. 5. The act of pledging or engaging; the act of exposing, endangering, or compromising; also, the state of being pledged or engaged. --Hamilton.
Committable Com*mit"ta*ble, a. Capable of being committed.
Committal Com*mit"tal, n. The act of committing, or the state of being committed; commitment.
Committee Com`mit*tee", n. [From Commit, v. t.] (Law) One to whom the charge of the person or estate of another, as of a lunatic, is committed by suitable authority; a guardian.
Committee of the whole
Whole Whole, n. 1. The entire thing; the entire assemblage of parts; totality; all of a thing, without defect or exception; a thing complete in itself. ``This not the whole of life to live, Nor all of death to die. --J. Montgomery. 2. A regular combination of parts; a system. Parts answering parts shall slide into a whole. --Pope. Committee of the whole. See under Committee. Upon the whole, considering all things; taking everything into account; in view of all the circumstances or conditions. Syn: Totality; total; amount; aggregate; gross.
Committeeman Com*mit"tee*man, n. A member of a committee.
Committer Com*mit"ter, n. 1. One who commits; one who does or perpetrates. --South. 2. A fornicator. [Obs.] --T. Decker.
Committible Com*mit"ti*ble, a. Capable of being committed; liable to be committed. [R.] --Sir T. Browne.
Fully committed
Fully Ful"ly, adv. In a full manner or degree; completely; entirely; without lack or defect; adequately; satisfactorily; as, to be fully persuaded of the truth of a proposition. Fully committed (Law), committed to prison for trial, in distinction from being detained for examination. Syn: Completely; entirely; maturely; plentifuly; abundantly; plenteously; copiously; largely; amply; sufficiently; perfectly.
Joint committee
Joint Joint, a. [F., p. p. of joindre. See Join.] 1. Joined; united; combined; concerted; as joint action. 2. Involving the united activity of two or more; done or produced by two or more working together. I read this joint effusion twice over. --T. Hook. 3. United, joined, or sharing with another or with others; not solitary in interest or action; holding in common with an associate, or with associates; acting together; as, joint heir; joint creditor; joint debtor, etc. ``Joint tenants of the world.' --Donne. 4. Shared by, or affecting two or more; held in common; as, joint property; a joint bond. A joint burden laid upon us all. --Shak. Joint committee (Parliamentary Practice), a committee composed of members of the two houses of a legislative body, for the appointment of which concurrent resolutions of the two houses are necessary. --Cushing. Joint meeting, or Joint session, the meeting or session of two distinct bodies as one; as, a joint meeting of committees representing different corporations; a joint session of both branches of a State legislature to chose a United States senator. ``Such joint meeting shall not be dissolved until the electoral votes are all counted and the result declared.' --Joint Rules of Congress, U. S. Joint resolution (Parliamentary Practice), a resolution adopted concurrently by the two branches of a legislative body. ``By the constitution of the United States and the rules of the two houses, no absolute distinction is made between bills and joint resolutions.' --Barclay (Digest). Joint rule (Parliamentary Practice), a rule of proceeding adopted by the concurrent action of both branches of a legislative assembly. ``Resolved, by the House of Representatives (the Senate concurring), that the sixteenth and seventeenth joint rules be suspended for the remainder of the session.' --Journal H. of R., U. S. Joint and several (Law), a phrase signifying that the debt, credit, obligation, etc., to which it is applied is held in such a way that the parties in interest are engaged both together and individually thus a joint and several debt is one for which all the debtors may be sued together or either of them individually. Joint stock, stock held in company. Joint-stock company (Law), a species of partnership, consisting generally of a large number of members, having a capital divided, or agreed to be divided, into shares, the shares owned by any member being usually transferable without the consent of the rest. Joint tenancy (Law), a tenure by two or more persons of estate by unity of interest, title, time, and possession, under which the survivor takes the whole. --Blackstone. Joint tenant (Law), one who holds an estate by joint tenancy.
Recommit Re`com*mit" (-m?t"), v. t. To commit again; to give back into keeping; specifically, to refer again to a committee; as, to recommit a bill to the same committee.
Recommitment Re`com*mit"ment (-ment), Recommittal Re`com*mit"tal (-?l), n. A second or renewed commitment; a renewed reference to a committee.
Recommitment Re`com*mit"ment (-ment), Recommittal Re`com*mit"tal (-?l), n. A second or renewed commitment; a renewed reference to a committee.
School committee
School School, n. [OE. scole, AS. sc?lu, L. schola, Gr. ? leisure, that in which leisure is employed, disputation, lecture, a school, probably from the same root as ?, the original sense being perhaps, a stopping, a resting. See Scheme.] 1. A place for learned intercourse and instruction; an institution for learning; an educational establishment; a place for acquiring knowledge and mental training; as, the school of the prophets. Disputing daily in the school of one Tyrannus. --Acts xix. 9. 2. A place of primary instruction; an establishment for the instruction of children; as, a primary school; a common school; a grammar school. As he sat in the school at his primer. --Chaucer. 3. A session of an institution of instruction. How now, Sir Hugh! No school to-day? --Shak. 4. One of the seminaries for teaching logic, metaphysics, and theology, which were formed in the Middle Ages, and which were characterized by academical disputations and subtilties of reasoning. At Cambridge the philosophy of Descartes was still dominant in the schools. --Macaulay. 5. The room or hall in English universities where the examinations for degrees and honors are held. 6. An assemblage of scholars; those who attend upon instruction in a school of any kind; a body of pupils. What is the great community of Christians, but one of the innumerable schools in the vast plan which God has instituted for the education of various intelligences? --Buckminster. 7. The disciples or followers of a teacher; those who hold a common doctrine, or accept the same teachings; a sect or denomination in philosophy, theology, science, medicine, politics, etc. Let no man be less confident in his faith . . . by reason of any difference in the several schools of Christians. --Jer. Taylor. 8. The canons, precepts, or body of opinion or practice, sanctioned by the authority of a particular class or age; as, he was a gentleman of the old school. His face pale but striking, though not handsome after the schools. --A. S. Hardy. 9. Figuratively, any means of knowledge or discipline; as, the school of experience. Boarding school, Common school, District school, Normal school, etc. See under Boarding, Common, District, etc. High school, a free public school nearest the rank of a college. [U. S.] School board, a corporation established by law in every borough or parish in England, and elected by the burgesses or ratepayers, with the duty of providing public school accommodation for all children in their district. School committee, School board, an elected committee of citizens having charge and care of the public schools in any district, town, or city, and responsible for control of the money appropriated for school purposes. [U. S.]
Standing committee
Standing Stand"ing, a. 1. Remaining erect; not cut down; as, standing corn. 2. Not flowing; stagnant; as, standing water. 3. Not transitory; not liable to fade or vanish; lasting; as, a standing color. 4. Established by law, custom, or the like; settled; continually existing; permanent; not temporary; as, a standing army; legislative bodies have standing rules of proceeding and standing committees. 5. Not movable; fixed; as, a standing bed (distinguished from a trundle-bed). Standing army. See Standing army, under Army. Standing bolt. See Stud bolt, under Stud, a stem. Standing committee, in legislative bodies, etc., a committee appointed for the consideration of all subjects of a particular class which shall arise during the session or a stated period. Standing cup, a tall goblet, with a foot and a cover. Standing finish (Arch.), that part of the interior fittings, esp. of a dwelling house, which is permanent and fixed in its place, as distinguished from doors, sashes, etc. Standing order (Eccl.), the denomination (Congregiational) established by law; -- a term formerly used in Connecticut. See also under Order.
Subcommittee Sub`com*mit"tee, n. An under committee; a part or division of a committee. Yet by their sequestrators and subcommittees abroad . . . those orders were commonly disobeyed. --Milton.
Vigilance committee
Vigilance Vig"i*lance, n. [L. vigilantia: cf. F. vigilance.] 1. The quality or state of being vigilant; forbearance of sleep; wakefulness. 2. Watchfulness in respect of danger; care; caution; circumspection. --Cowper. And flaming ministers to watch and tend Their earthly charge; of these the vigilance I dread. --Milton. 3. Guard; watch. [Obs.] ``In at this gate none pass the vigilance here placed.' --Milton. Vigilance committee, a volunteer committee of citizens for the oversight and protection of any interest, esp. one organized for the summary suppression and punishment of crime, as when the processes of law appear inadequate.

Meaning of Commit from wikipedia

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- Look up committer in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. A committer is an individual who is permitted to modify the source code of a software project, that...
- A gated commit, gated check-in or pre-tested commit is a software integration pattern that reduces the chances for breaking a build (and often its ****ociated...
- Disagree and commit is a management principle that individuals are allowed to disagree while a decision is being made, but that once a decision has been...
- transactions. A commit is an act of committing. The record of commits is called the commit log. In terms of transactions, the opposite of commit is to discard...
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- atomic commit is an operation that applies a set of distinct changes as a single operation. If the changes are applied, then the atomic commit is said...
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