Definition of Graphics. Meaning of Graphics. Synonyms of Graphics

Here you will find one or more explanations in English for the word Graphics. Also in the bottom left of the page several parts of wikipedia pages related to the word Graphics and, of course, Graphics synonyms and on the right images related to the word Graphics.

Definition of Graphics

Graphics Graph"ics, n. The art or the science of drawing; esp. of drawing according to mathematical rules, as in perspective, projection, and the like.
-graph -graph (-gr[.a]f) [From Gr. gra`fein to write. See Graphic.] A suffix signifying something written, a writing; also, a writer; as autograph, crystograph, telegraph, photograph. Graphic Graph"ic (gr[a^]f"[i^]k), Graphical Graph"ic*al (-[i^]*kal), a. [L. graphicus, Gr. grafiko`s, fr. gra`fein to write; cf. F. graphique. See Graft.] 1. Of or pertaining to the arts of painting and drawing. 2. Of or pertaining to the art of writing. 3. Written or engraved; formed of letters or lines. The finger of God hath left an inscription upon all his works, not graphical, or composed of letters. --Sir T. Browne. 4. Well delineated; clearly and vividly described. 5. Having the faculty of, or characterized by, clear and impressive description; vivid; as, a graphic writer. Graphic algebra, a branch of algebra in which, the properties of equations are treated by the use of curves and straight lines. Graphic arts, a name given to those fine arts which pertain to the representation on a fiat surface of natural objects; as distinguished from music, etc., and also from sculpture. Graphic formula. (Chem.) See under Formula. Graphic granite. See under Granite. Graphic method, the method of scientific analysis or investigation, in which the relations or laws involved in tabular numbers are represented to the eye by means of curves or other figures; as the daily changes of weather by means of curves, the abscissas of which represent the hours of the day, and the ordinates the corresponding degrees of temperature. Graphical statics (Math.), a branch of statics, in which the magnitude, direction, and position of forces are represented by straight lines Graphic tellurium. See Sylvanite.>

Meaning of Graphics from wikipedia

- Graphics (from Ancient Gr**** γραφικός (graphikós) 'pertaining to drawing, painting, writing, etc.') are visual images or designs on some surface, such...
- well as optional support to support screen captures also in graphics mode through GRAPHICS. If the optional character device driver PRINTER.SYS is loaded...
- Vector graphics are a form of computer graphics in which visual images are created directly from geometric shapes defined on a Cartesian plane, such as...
- Computer graphics deals with generating images and art with the aid of computers. Computer graphics is a core technology in digital photography, film,...
- A graphics processing unit (GPU) is a specialized electronic circuit initially designed for digital image processing and to accelerate computer graphics...
- Silicon Graphics, Inc. (stylized as SiliconGraphics before 1999, later rebranded SGI, historically known as Silicon Graphics Computer Systems or SGCS)...
- In computer graphics and digital photography, a raster graphic represents a two-dimensional picture as a rectangular matrix or grid of pixels, viewable...
- A graphics card (also called a video card, display card, graphics accelerator, graphics adapter, VGA card/VGA, video adapter, display adapter, or colloquially...
- The computer graphics pipeline, also known as the rendering pipeline or graphics pipeline, is a framework within computer graphics that outlines the necessary...
- GraphicsMagick is a fork of ImageMagick, emphasizing stability of both programming API and command-line options. It was branched off ImageMagick's version...