Definition of Energy. Meaning of Energy. Synonyms of Energy

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Definition of Energy

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Accumulation of energy
Accumulation Ac*cu`mu*la"tion, n. [L. accumulatio; cf. F. accumulation.] 1. The act of accumulating, the state of being accumulated, or that which is accumulated; as, an accumulation of earth, of sand, of evils, of wealth, of honors. 2. (Law) The concurrence of several titles to the same proof. Accumulation of energy or power, the storing of energy by means of weights lifted or masses put in motion; electricity stored. An accumulation of degrees (Eng. Univ.), the taking of several together, or at smaller intervals than usual or than is allowed by the rules.
Conservation of energy
Conservation Con`ser*va"tion, n. [L. conservatio: cf. F. conservation.] The act of preserving, guarding, or protecting; the keeping (of a thing) in a safe or entire state; preservation. A step necessary for the conservation of Protestantism. --Hallam. A state without the means of some change is without the means of its conservation. --Burke. Conservation of areas (Astron.), the principle that the radius vector drawn from a planet to the sun sweeps over equal areas in equal times. Conservation of energy, or Conservation of force (Mech.), the principle that the total energy of any material system is a quantity which can neither be increased nor diminished by any action between the parts of the system, though it may be transformed into any of the forms of which energy is susceptible. --Clerk Maxwell.
Degradation of energy
Accumulation, Conservation, Correlation, & Degradation of energy, etc. (Physics) See under Accumulation, Conservation, Correlation, etc. Syn: Force; power; potency; vigor; strength; spirit; efficiency; resolution.
Dissipation of energy
Dissipation Dis`si*pa"tion, n. [L. dissipatio: cf. F. dissipation.] 1. The act of dissipating or dispersing; a state of dispersion or separation; dispersion; waste. Without loss or dissipation of the matter. --Bacon. The famous dissipation of mankind. --Sir M. Hale. 2. A dissolute course of life, in which health, money, etc., are squandered in pursuit of pleasure; profuseness in vicious indulgence, as late hours, riotous living, etc.; dissoluteness. To reclaim the spendthrift from his dissipation and extravagance. --P. Henry. 3. A trifle which wastes time or distracts attention. Prevented from finishing them [the letters] a thousand avocations and dissipations. --Swift. Dissipation of energy. Same as Degradation of energy, under Degradation.
Intrinsic energy of a body
Intrinsic In*trin"sic ([i^]n*tr[i^]n"s[i^]k), a. [L. intrinsecus inward, on the inside; intra within + secus otherwise, beside; akin to E. second: cf. F. intrins[`e]que. See Inter-, Second, and cf. Extrinsic.] 1. Inward; internal; hence, true; genuine; real; essential; inherent; not merely apparent or accidental; -- opposed to extrinsic; as, the intrinsic value of gold or silver; the intrinsic merit of an action; the intrinsic worth or goodness of a person. He was better qualified than they to estimate justly the intrinsic value of Grecian philosophy and refinement. --I. Taylor. 2. (Anat.) Included wholly within an organ or limb, as certain groups of muscles; -- opposed to extrinsic. Intrinsic energy of a body (Physics), the work it can do in virtue of its actual condition, without any supply of energy from without. Intrinsic equation of a curve (Geom.), the equation which expresses the relation which the length of a curve, measured from a given point of it, to a movable point, has to the angle which the tangent to the curve at the movable point makes with a fixed line. Intrinsic value. See the Note under Value, n. Syn: Inherent; innate; natural; real; genuine.
Kinetic energy
Kinetic Ki*net"ic, q. [Gr. ?, from ? to move.] (Physics) Moving or causing motion; motory; active, as opposed to latent. Kinetic energy. See Energy, n. 4.
Potential energy
Potential Po*ten"tial, a. [Cf. F. potentiel. See Potency.] 1. Being potent; endowed with energy adequate to a result; efficacious; influential. [Obs.] ``And hath in his effect a voice potential.' --Shak. 2. Existing in possibility, not in actuality. ``A potential hero.' --Carlyle. Potential existence means merely that the thing may be at ome time; actual existence, that it now is. --Sir W. Hamilton. Potential cautery. See under Cautery. Potential energy. (Mech.) See the Note under Energy. Potential mood, or mode (Gram.), that form of the verb which is used to express possibility, liberty, power, will, obligation, or necessity, by the use of may, can, must, might, could, would, or should; as, I may go; he can write.
Radiant energy
Radiant Ra"di*ant, a. [L. radians, -antis, p. pr. of radiare to emit rays or beams, fr. radius ray: cf. F. radiant. See Radius, Ray a divergent line.] 1. Emitting or proceeding as from a center; [U.S.] rays; radiating; radiate. 2. Especially, emitting or darting rays of light or heat; issuing in beams or rays; beaming with brightness; emitting a vivid light or splendor; as, the radiant sun. Mark what radiant state she spreads. --Milton. 3. Beaming with vivacity and happiness; as, a radiant face. 4. (Her.) Giving off rays; -- said of a bearing; as, the sun radiant; a crown radiant. 5. (Bot.) Having a raylike appearance, as the large marginal flowers of certain umbelliferous plants; -- said also of the cluster which has such marginal flowers. Radiant energy (Physics), energy given out or transmitted by radiation, as in the case of light and radiant heat. Radiant heat, proceeding in right lines, or directly from the heated body, after the manner of light, in distinction from heat conducted or carried by intervening media. Radiant point. (Astron.) See Radiant, n., 3.
Telenergy Tel*en"er*gy, n. [Gr. th^le far + energy.] Display of force or energy at a distance, or without contact; -- applied to mediumistic phenomena. -- Tel`en*er"gic, a.

Meaning of Energy from wikipedia

- and in the form of heat and light. Energy is a conserved quantity—the law of conservation of energy states that energy can be converted in form, but not...
- energy (or green energy) is energy from renewable natural resources that are replenished on a human timescale. The most widely used renewable energy types...
- Sting Energy (or Sting) is a carbonated energy drink produced by Rockstar Inc. (acquired by PepsiCo in 2020). Sting is available in flavors such as the...
- Department of Energy (DOE) is an executive department of the U.S. federal government that oversees U.S. national energy policy and energy production, the...
- Energy efficiency may refer to: Energy efficiency (physics), the ratio between the useful output and input of an energy conversion process Electrical...
- A ministry of energy or department of energy is a government department in some countries that typically oversees the production of fuel and electricity;...
- Energy flow may refer to: Energy transfer, the transfer of physical energy from one body or place to another Energy flow (ecology), the flow of energy...
- High energy may refer to: High energy physics, a branch of physics dealing with subatomic particles and ionizing radiation Hi-NRG, a genre of uptempo disco...
- Energy is sustainable if it "meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of ****ure generations to meet their own needs." Definitions...
- Energy consumption is the amount of energy used. In the body, energy consumption is part of energy homeostasis. It derived from food energy. Energy consumption...