Definition of rank. Meaning of rank. Synonyms of rank

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Definition of rank

Rank Rank, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Ranked; p. pr. & vb. n. Ranking,] 1. To place abreast, or in a line. 2. To range in a particular class, order, or division; to class; also, to dispose methodically; to place in suitable classes or order; to classify. Ranking all things under general and special heads. --I. Watts. Poets were ranked in the class of philosophers. --Broome. Heresy is ranked with idolatry and witchcraft. --Dr. H. More. 3. To take rank of; to outrank. [U.S.]
Rank Rank, a. [Compar. Ranker; superl. Rankest.] [AS. ranc strong, proud; cf. D. rank slender, Dan. rank upright, erect, Prov. G. rank slender, Icel. rakkr slender, bold. The meaning seems to have been influenced by L. rancidus, E. rancid.] 1. Luxuriant in growth; of vigorous growth; exuberant; grown to immoderate height; as, rank grass; rank weeds. And, behold, seven ears of corn came up upon one stalk, rank and good. --Gen. xli. 5. 2. Raised to a high degree; violent; extreme; gross; utter; as, rank heresy. ``Rank nonsense.' --Hare. ``I do forgive thy rankest fault.' --Shak. 3. Causing vigorous growth; producing luxuriantly; very rich and fertile; as, rank land. --Mortimer. 4. Strong-scented; rancid; musty; as, oil of a rank smell; rank-smelling rue. --Spenser. 5. Strong to the taste. ``Divers sea fowls taste rank of the fish on which they feed.' --Boyle. 6. Inflamed with venereal appetite. [Obs.] --Shak. Rank modus (Law), an excessive and unreasonable modus. See Modus, 3. To set (the iron of a plane, etc.) rank, to set so as to take off a thick shaving. --Moxon.
Rank Rank, a. [Compar. Ranker; superl. Rankest.] [AS. ranc strong, proud; cf. D. rank slender, Dan. rank upright, erect, Prov. G. rank slender, Icel. rakkr slender, bold. The meaning seems to have been influenced by L. rancidus, E. rancid.] 1. Luxuriant in growth; of vigorous growth; exuberant; grown to immoderate height; as, rank grass; rank weeds. And, behold, seven ears of corn came up upon one stalk, rank and good. --Gen. xli. 5. 2. Raised to a high degree; violent; extreme; gross; utter; as, rank heresy. ``Rank nonsense.' --Hare. ``I do forgive thy rankest fault.' --Shak. 3. Causing vigorous growth; producing luxuriantly; very rich and fertile; as, rank land. --Mortimer. 4. Strong-scented; rancid; musty; as, oil of a rank smell; rank-smelling rue. --Spenser. 5. Strong to the taste. ``Divers sea fowls taste rank of the fish on which they feed.' --Boyle. 6. Inflamed with venereal appetite. [Obs.] --Shak. Rank modus (Law), an excessive and unreasonable modus. See Modus, 3. To set (the iron of a plane, etc.) rank, to set so as to take off a thick shaving. --Moxon.
Rank Rank, adv. Rankly; stoutly; violently. [Obs.] That rides so rank and bends his lance so fell. --Fairfax.
Rank Rank, n. [OE. renk, reng, OF. renc, F. rang, fr. OHG. hring a circle, a circular row, G. ring. See Ring, and cf. Range, n. & v.] 1. A row or line; a range; an order; a tier; as, a rank of osiers. Many a mountain nigh Rising in lofty ranks, and loftier still. --Byron. 2. (Mil.) A line of soldiers ranged side by side; -- opposed to file. See 1st File, 1 (a) . Fierce, fiery warriors fought upon the clouds, In ranks and squadrons and right form of war. --Shak. 3. Grade of official standing, as in the army, navy, or nobility; as, the rank of general; the rank of admiral. 4. An aggregate of individuals classed together; a permanent social class; an order; a division; as, ranks and orders of men; the highest and the lowest ranks of men, or of other intelligent beings. 5. Degree of dignity, eminence, or excellence; position in civil or social life; station; degree; grade; as, a writer of the first rank; a lawyer of high rank. These all are virtues of a meaner rank. --Addison. 6. Elevated grade or standing; high degree; high social position; distinction; eminence; as, a man of rank. Rank and file. (a) (Mil.) The whole body of common soldiers, including also corporals. In a more extended sense, it includes sergeants also, excepting the noncommissioned staff.
Rank Rank, v. i. 1. To be ranged; to be set or disposed, an in a particular degree, class, order, or division. Let that one article rank with the rest. --Shak. 2. To have a certain grade or degree of elevation in the orders of civil or military life; to have a certain degree of esteem or consideration; as, he ranks with the first class of poets; he ranks high in public estimation.

Meaning of rank from wikipedia

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