Definition of Pictures. Meaning of Pictures. Synonyms of Pictures

Here you will find one or more explanations in English for the word Pictures. Also in the bottom left of the page several parts of wikipedia pages related to the word Pictures and, of course, Pictures synonyms and on the right images related to the word Pictures.

Definition of Pictures

Picture Pic"ture, n. Animated picture, a moving picture. Pierre-perdu Pierre`-per`du", n. [F. pierre perdue lost stone.] Blocks of stone or concrete heaped loosely in the water to make a foundation (as for a sea wall), a mole, etc.
Picture Pic"ture, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Pictured; p. pr. & vb. n. Picturing.] To draw or paint a resemblance of; to delineate; to represent; to form or present an ideal likeness of; to bring before the mind. ``I . . . do picture it in my mind.' --Spenser. I have not seen him so pictured. --Shak.

Meaning of Pictures from wikipedia

- Universal City Studios LLC, doing business as Universal Pictures (informally as Universal Studios or also known simply as Universal) is an American film...
- Paramount Pictures Corporation, doing business as Paramount Pictures (also known simply as Paramount), is an American film and television production and...
- per second (FPS) since at least the commercial introduction of "talking pictures" in the late 1920s, which necessitated a standard for synchronizing images...
- Columbia Pictures Industries, Inc., commonly known as Columbia Pictures or simply Columbia, is an American film production and distribution company that...
- RKO Radio Pictures Inc., commonly known as RKO Pictures or simply RKO, was an American film production and distribution company, one of the "Big Five"...
- Sony Pictures Entertainment Inc. (commonly known as Sony Pictures or SPE, and formerly known as Columbia Pictures Entertainment, Inc.) is an American diversified...
- Touchstone Pictures was an American film production label of Walt Disney Studios, founded and owned by The Walt Disney Company. Feature films released...
- DreamWorks Pictures (also known as DreamWorks SKG and formerly DreamWorks Studios, commonly referred to as DreamWorks) is an American film studio and distribution...
- subsidiary of Amazon. In its original operating period (then-known as Orion Pictures Corporation), the company produced and released films from 1978 until 1999...
- Warner Bros. Pictures is an American film production and distribution company of the Warner Bros. Motion Picture Group division of Warner Bros. Entertainment...