Definition of Paintings. Meaning of Paintings. Synonyms of Paintings

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Definition of Paintings

Paint Paint (p[=a]nt), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Painted; p. pr. & vb. n. Painting.] [OE. peinten, fr. F. peint, p. p. of peindre to paint, fr. L. pingere, pictum; cf. Gr. poiki`los many-colored, Skr. pi[,c] to adorn. Cf. Depict, Picture, Pigment, Pint.] 1. To cover with coloring matter; to apply paint to; as, to paint a house, a signboard, etc. Jezebel painted her face and tired her head. --2 Kings ix. 30. 2. Fig.: To color, stain, or tinge; to adorn or beautify with colors; to diversify with colors. Not painted with the crimson spots of blood. --Shak. Cuckoo buds of yellow hue Do paint the meadows with delight. --Shak. 3. To form in colors a figure or likeness of on a flat surface, as upon canvas; to represent by means of colors or hues; to exhibit in a tinted image; to portray with paints; as, to paint a portrait or a landscape. 4. Fig.: To represent or exhibit to the mind; to describe vividly; to delineate; to image; to depict. Disloyal? The word is too good to paint out her wickedness. --Shak. If folly grow romantic, I must paint it. --Pope. Syn: To color; picture; depict; portray; delineate; sketch; draw; describe.
Painting Paint"ing, n. 1. The act or employment of laying on, or adorning with, paints or colors. 2. (Fine Arts) The work of the painter; also, any work of art in which objects are represented in color on a flat surface; a colored representation of any object or scene; a picture. 3. Color laid on; paint. [R.] --Shak. 4. A depicting by words; vivid representation in words. Syn: See Picture.

Meaning of Paintings from wikipedia

- in the Paintings are natural and paintings are made fully old traditional way by Chitrakaras that is Odiya Painter. Pattachitra style of painting is one...
- The Black Paintings (Spanish: Pinturas negras) is the name given to a group of 14 paintings by Francisco Goya from the later years of his life, likely...
- use of egg tempera paints for panel paintings in most of Europe, though not for Orthodox icons or wall paintings, where tempera and fresco, respectively...
- Among the listed top 89, only six are paintings by non-Western artists. Five are traditional Chinese paintings by Qi Baishi, Wu Bin, Wang Meng and Xu...
- date the paintings by sampling the pigment itself, torch marks on the walls, or the formation of carbonate deposits on top of the paintings. The subject...
- The Painting (French: Le Tableau) is a 2011 French animated film directed by Jean-François Laguionie. For mysterious reasons, a painter has left a work...
- Indian painting Indian painting has a very long tradition and history in Indian art. The earliest Indian paintings were the rock paintings of prehistoric...
- setting for the action of the figures in their paintings. Early in the 15th century, landscape painting was established as a genre in Europe, as a setting...
- sell his paintings and postcards to earn a living during his Vienna years (1908–1913) but had little commercial success. A number of his paintings were recovered...
- figure painting comes from burial sites, where paintings were preserved on silk banners, lacquered objects, and tomb walls. Many early tomb paintings were...