Definition of Armoniac. Meaning of Armoniac. Synonyms of Armoniac

Here you will find one or more explanations in English for the word Armoniac. Also in the bottom left of the page several parts of wikipedia pages related to the word Armoniac and, of course, Armoniac synonyms and on the right images related to the word Armoniac.

Definition of Armoniac

Armoniac Ar*mo"ni*ac, a. Ammoniac. [Obs.]

Meaning of Armoniac from wikipedia

- are sal Armoniac. See: Nicolas Lémery, Cours de chymie […], 7th ed. (Paris, France: Estienne Michallet, 1688), Chapitre XVII : du Sel Armoniac, pp. 338–339...
- eu entre les mains un Sel tiré du Mont Vesuve, & que l'on appelle Sel Armoniac naturel." (Mr. Lémery got hold of a salt [which was] extracted from Mount...
- Salammoniac, also sal ammoniac or salmiac, is a rare naturally occurring mineral composed of ammonium chloride, NH4Cl. It forms colorless, white, or yellow-brown...
- Armenian bole, also known as bolus armenus or bole armoniac, is an earthy clay, usually red, native to Armenia but also found in other places. The term...
- auß dem Salz von Armenia, ... Nun nimb sauberen schönen Armenischen Salz armoniac ohn alles sublimiren / thue ihn in ein Kolben / giesse ein Oleum Tartari...
- which is an ingredient therein. The other ingredients are red roses, bole armoniac, storax, cinnamon, c****ia lignea (co**** bark of Cinnamomum c****ia), dittany...
- hyacinth, was the base. The other chief ingredients were red coral, bole armoniac, terra sigillata, myrrh, the santals, burnt hartshorn, camphor, sapphire...
- from its golden Colour and Appearance. It is made of Mercury, Tin, Sal Armoniac, and Flowers of Sulphur, by grinding, mixing, then setting them three Hours...
- Short describes some medicinal treatments for the 1510 flu including "Bole Armoniac, oily lintus, pectoral troches, and decoctions." Justus Hecker and John...